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are the guiding principle of dealing with cancer
... upcoming answers
are the guiding principle of dealing with cancer

Cancer> A wakeup-call?
Let`s see what it has to tell ...
Targeted, therapeutic support in all phases of a cancer disease
In advance: Please come to me as early as possible in the course of your disease. Preferably at the time of diagnosis. Why? Before beginning a cancer treatment you have to process a lot of information and make some, sometimes even far-reaching decisions. This can be done better with clarity and in a targeted manner.
The confirmed diagnosis of an oncological or other serious disease can affect almost all areas of your life: health-wise, psychologically, emotionally, in terms of your partnership, socially and sometimes existentially. Some people describe it as if the rug has been pulled out from under their feet. They feel helpless, at the mercy of others, in a panic - their very existence shaken all at once. Especially when the diagnosis came as a surprise, without physical symptoms before. In the perception of most people, cancer is generally associated with dying. But especially in recent years the treatment of cancer has made enormous progress, so that many types of cancer are now curable.
In order to better cope with disease and treatments, an exact anamnesis of your individual overall situation and personal coping strategies based on this, will help to give you support and security. I will gladly and competently accompany you.
more: Interview mit Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg OnlineKongress "Krebs&Bewusstsein" vom 26.11.2021
What factors favor the development of cancer?

The graph clearly shows how diverse the causes can be, that trigger the development of cancer. And that these factors act both, directly and indirectly.
The decisive factor is how cancer genes are (over)activated, various factors are currently being discussed, e.g.:
- there may be a hereditary predisposition to certain tumor entities
- permanent stress: what are we paying attention to in our daily life? How and what we think (e.g. about ourselves, about others, about our lives, jobs ...) generates certain emotions. These thoughts stimulate the brain to produce stress triggering neurotransmitters, corresponding to this thought pattern. In the worst case, the body permanently remains in stress mode. As a neurochemical result, the body can react with persisting inflammations or just cancer.
So, the seemingly "normal" daily stress plays an important role in the development and maintenance of cancer. Therefore we should start searching for healing approaches here.
But finally, the acting triggers why a person develops a tumor cannot be answered without doubt, since some cancer types are related to age and gender groups, certain regions, cities and countries, e.g. particular malignant lymphomas in Asian countries.
Psycho-oncological support strengthens. Not only your mind.
For psycho-oncological support, this means pursuing versatile approaches that aim among other things, to strengthen your mind and immune system and, above all: to bring your complete system into relaxation. Your well-functioning immune system is the factor that you can influence the most, based on stress reduction and as much relaxation as possible, plus a few other factors.
All psycho-oncological interventions aim to improve your quality of life, provide clarity about your treatment, reduce anxiety, stress and pain, reduce feelings of guilt and shame...
We also explore every relevant corner of your life in search of what is helpful: are there personal challenges that you have overcome successfully, what about complementary medical concomitant therapies, supporting people, your hobbies, sports, job, nutrition, life goals, heart's desires ...?
Especially in the treatment phase, it is important to maintain your ability to act and make decisions, to motivate you and, with the help of your own resources of strength, to mobilize confidence, fighting spirit and self-healing powers.
You will be able to master intermediate goals more easily if we work together step by step on everything that lies ahead of you.
Self-empowerment is one of the most important factors in the course of your treatment.
The greatest power comes from realizing that you are "the captain" of what is going on now.
This means, knowing about your abilities and possibilities and how to support your healing process by using them targeted. "Being the captain" is based on: your are accepting your disease and you become aware of your personal and unique way through the disease. That`s self-empowerment = self-efficacy.
Self-empowerment therefore also means that you help to shape how your treatment and your further path should proceed. First of all: Listen to your inner voice - and trust, even in the face of resistance and doubts. It is about your inner consent, from which you draw the strength for this challenge..
Your belief in the chosen (oncological) therapy has a positive effect on your physical and mental well-being. So it´s about your inner consent, whether you trust in recommended therapy and practitioners. Most physicians usually welcome self-determined and educated patients, because conscious consent to therapy is helpful for their motivation for therapy and perseverance. We can say, your attitude with which you go through treatment is essential.
Regardless of which therapy you choose: we should do everything to activate your self-healing powers.
You may talk to other specialists as well: a second opinion strengthens!
Acceptance is the basis of any change.
That means acceptance, and not the fight against the disease
brings you into your power!
What does it mean? If you are motivated or were animated to fight against your body's own cells, you put yourself under additional pressure to succeed. That in turn causes stress! Better do good and work with your body as a team! - Maybe he has something to say? ;-)
To escape the "Why me?" trap, better ask:
Cancer influences the lives of those affected and their relatives, which is why the term "WeCancer" was coined. You could also say that cancer acts like a magnifying glass on relationships. Many things that are unspoken become more perceptible through the impacts of the disease, pleasant aspects as well as the undesirable ones.
For example, sometimes patients actually cope well with their situation, but unexpected reactions of those around them make things difficult. Often those affected are too weak or overwhelmed to express their needs, to reject well-intentioned treatment methods or to cope with overprotection, helplessness etc of others. Therefore, it is important to bring all important people on board - as supporters, as a harmonious, social environment is one of the foundations for your recovery.
It is advisable to become aware of (family) communication patterns.
More attentive, precise and detailed speech helps to avoid misunderstandings and changing needs and moods can be understood better.
The role a person plays within a family can change as a result of the disease and therapy. So it makes sense to come to my practice together with your partner or relatives. Cancer demands to communicate very careful, everyone has to explain himself more to avoid misconceptions.
Children who have problems coming to terms with what has happened can also receive - together with the whole family - professional support within our network.
Psycho-oncological support is particularly helpful for those who have no support and who would otherwise have to cope with this situation alone.
Cancer: an individual disease
Even if it sounds strange: every cancer seems to have a kind of "personality". It is discussed whether the specific classification and localization of a tumor event already give an indication of what might have triggered its development, from a psychological point of view. However, since a variety of factors can trigger cancer, a direct, causal relation cannot be deduced.
Free from symptoms = cure?
Why is this important for you? Doctors and treatment providers will do everything they can to put your body in a state, free of symptoms and pain. For various reasons, oncology looks at you from a 5-year perspective, and oncological therapy concepts are build on this. However, usually a patient wants to survive those 5 years, and wants to have a good life ahead of them - a cure.
Remember: "You are an individual, so the course of your cancer is individual."
Work with your consciousness, this is where you can take action for yourself, aiming for cure:
If you like, I will show you how you can contribute with the help of your mind, especially with your consciousness, so that your illness is hopefully "only" a learning experience for you. An event that, under certain conditions, may leave your life again, with greatfulness.
I will be happy to explain to you personally about these conditions, and more about the background and possibilities of the power of your consciousness.
Deep relaxation, a pleasant trance state
Previous Note:
Psycho-oncological treatment focuses on your conscious participation, to achieve best success for your personal development. However, deep relaxation can sometimes be very helpful to gain deeper insights by means of trance states, as well as reducing pain and anxiety.
"Work" on your recovery - with deep relaxation. We activate unconscious resources in a very pleasant way, based on your individual, inner images, which can set your self-healing in motion, and of which you may not have been aware until now.
Hypnotic states, depending on your condition, provide a good foundation for working through anxiety, pain, shock states (e.g., diagnosis shock), grief, worry, and nocebos. Nocebos are, for example, statements that you might unconsciously follow: Predictions about how the disease will progress or statements about how your state of mind will develop.
In addition, you can make contact with your "guest" almost as if you were asleep. It is amazing what insights a "conversation" like this may unearth! You are exploring your body to find out for yourself what and how you can contribute to your recovery and well-being. And to a certain extent this also counteracts possible states of exhaustion and fatigue (fatigue).
Personalized Self-hypnosis - put on your headphones and relax!
Relaxation based Audio files especially tailored to you, helps you to be well prepared for the ongoing therapy and to cope better with their possible side effects.
Because once your subconscious is "on board", you will experience inner empowerment by subsequent, repeated listening to self-hypnosis instructions, that are individually tailored to your challenge, resources and your current situation.
You will feel more protected, confident, clear and calm. In addition, the subconscious mind by itself helps to support your body in various ways: metabolism, circulation, wound healing, blood pressure, wake - sleep rhythm, digestion ... So, that´s a brilliant way to awaken your dormant allies.
Communication with doctors
Only about 10% of the content of a critical doctor|patient conversation is remembered (!).
Stressed, anxious and elderly people may be overwhelmed by such conversations. It can be challenging, especially in the clinical setting, since technical terms are difficult to understand, time pressure prevails and pain and fear paralyzes. These circumstances complicate asking questions and process the usually complex information.
Understandable information are the basis for your decisions.
For a better understanding:
Conversations about diagnoses and therapies are emotionally demanding, even for physicians. Oncology is a special field that demands extraordinary professional qualifications and a great deal of heart and soul from physicians.
Switching from this rapidly evolving, scientific world, to a conversation with a person, who may be emotionally needy and mostly a medical layman, is a truly masterful challenge - for both sides. That is why I offer to discuss difficult issues with you in advance.
Where can I get helpful and reliable information about my disease?
Hier finden Sie auf den Punkt gebracht, was Sie über Ihre Erkrankung wissen sollten:
Umfassende Beratung zu Ihrer Erkrankung, Ernährung, Komplementärmedizin etc, wissenschaftlich fundiert im TZM-Blog (english also)
Hier finden Sie Informationen zum ganzheitlichen Behandlungsansatz:
Für Mütter und Väter, die an Krebs erkrankt sind und die ihren Kindern ihre ganz persönliche Lebens-HÖR-Geschichte als kostbares Zukunftsgeschenk mit auf den Weg geben wollen:
Informativer und lebendiger Podcast, wie Betroffene Ihre Erkrankung erleben:
Karen Abel: Leben mit Krebs - Let`s talk about cancer
Kostenloses Brustkrebstelefon | Hotline Breast Cancer:
0800 0 117 112
Good cooperation with all your treatment providers and therapy-related contacts is desirable and important. I will be happy to accompany you, just write or call me: 089.65114255
... upcoming answers
are the guiding principle
of dealing with cancer :-)